Guide to Crafting a Go-to-Market Plan for Your Startup (B2B)

17 Aug 2023

Founder Perspective

As a founder, a GTM plan serves as a roadmap that guides your efforts in targeting the right customers, crafting compelling marketing, and utilizing effective sales and distribution channels. It encompasses everything from pricing and marketing strategies to customer support and feedback loops, enabling you to make informed decisions for your startup.

Investor Perspective

From an investor’s viewpoint, a well-prepared GTM plan demonstrates a startup’s strategic thinking, market understanding, resource allocation and commitment to achieving business objectives. This can instill confidence in the startup’s ability to execute and grow, positively impacting the return on investment.

Product-led GTM Evolution

The typical GTM evolution for SaaS startups, follows five phases:

  1. Phase 1: Find the product-market fit (PMF)
  2. Phase 2: Build a product-led growth (PLG) flywheel
  3. Phase 3: Add a product-led sales (PLS) amplifier
  4. Phase 4: Add a field-sales amplifier
  5. Phase 5: Build a partner ecosystem

Key Inputs of a GTM plan

There are 7 ingredients to an early-stage GTM plan:

  1. Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) identification: Define the target audience that best aligns with the startup’s offering.
  2. Founder story: Develop a compelling narrative to explain the startup’s origin and mission.
  3. Value proposition: Articulate the unique benefits of the product and how it addresses customers’ pain points.
  4. Pillar story: Create a framework that showcases the core aspects of the startup’s offering.
  5. Positioning: Establish a clear market position that distinguishes the startup from competitors.
  6. Pricing: Determine an appropriate pricing strategy that balances customer expectations and revenue goals.
  7. Customer Champions: Identify and engage with customers who can advocate for the startup’s product and share their success stories.

Building and Optimizing Your GTM Model

So how does an entrepreneur ensure that they are building the “right” GTM plan as they go?  Here are the steps we recommend to take to ensure that you are building an adaptable GTM plan to grow your SaaS business.

  1. Refine your target audience:  After finding PMF, refine your ideal customers by analyzing their demographics, psychographics, pain points, and needs to develop detailed buyer personas. A deep understanding of your target audience enables you to customize your product, messaging, and marketing initiatives.
  2. Romance the founder story: Enhance your founder story by emphasizing the unique aspects of your journey, such as challenges overcome and key motivations behind your startup. A captivating story resonates with your audience, building an emotional connection and differentiating your brand.
  3. Craft a unique value proposition: Develop a concise and persuasive UVP that highlights your product or service’s distinctive advantages. Clarify how your solution addresses the target audience’s pain points and distinguishes itself from competitors in the market.
  4. Create a pillar story: A pillar story is like a manifesto, combining your founder story and value proposition into one long-form blog post shareable with internal teams, prospects, and anyone interested in understanding your startup’s purpose.
  5. Formalize product positioning: Establish a clear narrative that demonstrates how your product solves problems for your target audience. A compelling positioning statement captures the essence of your solution, differentiates it from competitors, and drives customer interest.
  6. Determine your pricing and revenue model: Choose a pricing model that aligns with your target market’s expectations and your business objectives. Common options include subscription-based, freemium, or tiered pricing. Outline your revenue model, considering factors such as customer acquisition cost and lifetime value.
  7. Right-size your customer success and sales motions: Start by leveraging early flywheels such as freemium offerings, self-serve onboarding, and referral programs to attract early adopters and generate buzz. As your business grows, expand your sales team in stages, initially focusing on inside sales for small and medium-sized businesses, and later adding field sales to target enterprise clients. Diversify your distribution channels by exploring affiliate marketing, resellers, and third-party marketplaces to reach a wider audience and minimize risks. Finally, establish a partnership ecosystem, collaborating with integration partners, forming co-marketing agreements, and initiating joint sales efforts to strengthen your brand and create new revenue opportunities.
  8. Implement a feedback loop: Collect and analyze customer feedback from your Customer Champions to continually refine your product or service and enhance your GTM strategy. Utilize surveys, reviews, and social media to gather insights and pinpoint areas requiring improvement.
  9. Set measurable goals and KPIs: Identify key performance indicators (KPIs) that help track progress towards your objectives. Common KPIs include revenue growth, customer acquisition, churn rate, and customer satisfaction. Consistently review and adjust your GTM plan as necessary.
  10. Launch and iterate: Execute your GTM plan and monitor its performance, adjusting based on market feedback and performance metrics. Embracing continuous improvement is crucial for long-term success.